Adventure Air Sports offers the latest and greatest in attractions at our parks and with extreme attractions inevitably comes safety risks. We at Adventure are committed to the safety and well being of all our guests which is why we do all we can to ensure your safe participation. As participating members of the International Association of Trampoline Parks, we stay up to date on standards and best practices outlined by ASTM International. We truly believe that safety starts with us and being in compliance with our equipment is just the beginning.
Our staff are fully trained on not only the specific rules for each attraction but also to recognize and advise against any potential safety risks. We have worked closely with the Trampoline & Adventures Advisory Group to certify our Flight Crew and Management team in Safety & Risk Management.
Your participation in safety is crucial to ensure that your time at Adventure Air Sports is as amazing as possible. Watching our safety video and reading the rules posted throughout the park will inform you of best practices on trampolines and other attractions and ensure that your visit doesn’t result in injury.


Flight Crew: Our flight crew moves throughout our park to monitor compliance with park rules. They are present to assist with safe jumping practices, and injury assistance if needed.
Items: We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal property brought into or stored on the premises.
Springs: Efforts have been made to cover all springs between our trampoline beds to help avoid jumpers falling on, through, or in between the springs and steel framing.
Equipment: Our staff regularly maintains the equipment and performs daily inspections in an effort to identify and replace worn down parts.
Padded Posts: Steps have been taken to secure pads to all metal posts in the jumping arenas to help protect jumpers from injury.
Strategic Netting: Where appropriate, netting is in place in an effort to help contain jumpers on the trampoline.
Foam Pits: Our pits are engineered with trampolines to assist with a clear pathway to the foam below.
Flight Grip Socks: Adventure jump socks are required for all jumpers. These socks are available for purchase at $3 per pair.
Signage: Safety signage is posted at the entrance of the park. During flight, our staff will gladly remind you of these rules should you happen to forget while you’re having fun.
- All who enter must have a signed waiver.
- Children under the age of 13 should never be left unattended.
- Only one jumper per trampoline. no double bouncing.
- No running, racing, pushing or tackling.
- No sitting, wrestling, or lying down on mats.
- No climbing the trampoline walls or on any apparatus.
- Stay in the center of the trampolines when jumping.
- Do not attempt any skill that you have not done before or that you cannot do.
- No gum, food, or drinks without lids are allowed in the trampoline arena.
Trampoline use involves an inherent risk. Impact can result in serious or fatal head injury, paralysis and fracture. DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY SKILL THAT YOU HAVE NOT DONE BEFORE OR THAT YOU CANNOT DO.
- Do not double bounce, which is described as attempting to propel someone higher by timing a jump as another lands on the trampoline. This may also occur when jumping on a trampoline pad with others in close proximity, so you should avoid simultaneously jumping with others close by. It is especially dangerous for larger people to double bounce smaller people.
- Do not sit or lay on the court. If you are tired and need to rest, you must exit the court.
- Wear appropriate clothing. Clothes must be free of hanging zippers, belts, and strings.
- Please remove all jewelry. Please empty your pockets and remember no gum, candy or food allowed
- Flips and other tricks are dangerous. Perform at your own risk only if you have sufficient skill to avoid injuring yourself and others.
- Be alert. Be aware and considerate of those around you. Jump with people that are of similar size.
- No climbing. Do not climb on walls or netting and do not touch basketball apparatus.
- No Drugs or Alcohol Permitted. Do not use a trampoline when under the influence.
- No tackling, pushing, or participating in any other activity that may unnecessarily interfere with the jumping or concentration of another participant. No running/relay races across trampolines.
- Hitting the frame. Jumpers should stay in the center of the trampoline when jumping. Injury may result from hitting the frame when control is lost. Do not jump directly onto the safety pad.
- Incorrect transfer from trampolines to the decking, or platform areas. Improper transfer can result in broken ankles or other injuries. Please walk from the trampoline to decking areas.
- Foreign objects. Jumping with a foreign object can also increase the chances of getting injured. This includes keys, phones, and cameras.
Everyone that enters a court or activity must have completed and signed a valid waiver Guests/Participants that are under 18 must have it completed and signed by their parent, legal guardian, or someone with power of attorney Prior to participating, all guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility to ensure the following:
- Everyone’s waivers are properly executed
- Everyone has viewed the rules
- Everyone has read the rules signs posted
- Everyone must have valid jump or activity time before entering any trampoline court or activity
- Everyone completely understands and agrees to follow all rules and Team Member instructions
- Everyone is in good health without restrictions
- Everyone’s personal items such as eye wear, hearing aide, braces, prosthetic devices, watches, phones, cameras, are secure, impact resistant and suitable for use in a demanding sports environment
- Everyone is aware of those around you. It is your responsibility to avoid others
- No guns, knives, sharp objects, or weapons of any kind are allowed on premises
- Remember your physical limitations
- Follow all posted rules and directions given by Team Members
- No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol is allowed
- Serious injury, paralysis or death can occur even if all rules are followed
- Activities and dodgeball games may involve individuals of different sizes, ages, and abilities. Participate at your own risk
- Guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility for their actions and conduct
- Guests and accompanying adults must follow all park rules and Team Member instructions at all times
- Guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility to ensure that personal property including cameras and cell phones are not lost, stolen or damaged
- Team Members reserve the right to relocate guests and accompanying adults to a different court, activity or area at any time
- Non compliance to rules or Team Member instructions may result in the loss of access privileges
- Wear Adventure Air Sports approved grip socks
- Follow all weight, height and/or age restrictions posted
- Hold on with both hands.
- One person on launch platform at a time
- Always land on your feet or seat.
- Absolutely no diving.
- Absolutely no “gainers”.
- No landing on your head or stomach.
- No throwing or picking at the foam. 9 keep the foam in the pit.
- Please remove all jewelry.
- Please empty your pockets and remember no gum, candy or food allowed.
- Landing with a foreign object can also increase the chances of getting injured; this includes keys, phones, and cameras.
- One jumper at a time per lane.
- Please wait for your turn.
- No sitting or lying down on the mats.
- Always land on your feet or seat.
- Absolutely no diving.
- Absolutely no “gainers”.
- No landing on your head or stomach.
- Stay visible. do not bury yourself or others in the foam.
- No throwing or picking at the foam.
- Keep the foam in the pit.
- Please remove all jewelry. please empty your pockets and remember no gum, candy or food allowed.
- Jumping with a foreign object can also increase the chances of getting injured. this includes keys, phones, and cameras.
- Do not land on your head or neck – land on back or bottom
- Do not attempt any skill that you have not done before or that you cannot do
- Ensure the lane is clear of others before attempting
- No sharp objects – empty your pockets
- Participants must weigh under 275lbs.
- Do Not Attempt Flips or Somersaults – Landing on the head or neck may cause serious injury, paralysis, or death even when landing on the mat.
- Do Not Sit or Lay anywhere on the NINJA OBSTACLE COURSE. If you are tired and need to rest, you must exit the course.
- Wear Appropriate Clothing: Clothes must be free of hanging zippers, belts, and strings. Please remove all jewelry. Please empty your pockets and remember no gum, candy, or food and drinks allowed.
- Be Alert: Be aware and considerate of those around you. Only attempt an obstacle if all others are free and clear away from obstacle.
- Only one participant per element or series of elements that make up an obstacle. Example: “A Sea of Rings” may have multiple ropes per attachment bar and there may be multiple attachment bars with ropes and rings attached. The collection of ropes and rings constitute one element.
- No Climbing or attempting dangerous tricks. Only use Obstacles how they are Intended to be used. Do not climb on aluminum truss frames, on columns or on top. Perform at your own risk and skill level to avoid injuring yourself or others.
- No tackling, pushing or participating in any other activity that may unnecessarily interfere with the obstacle course attempts by any participant. No running or relay races through course.
- Foreign Objects: Attempting Obstacles with a foreign object can also increase the chance of getting injured. This includes keys, phones, and cameras.
- No Drugs or Alcohol Permitted: Do not use the Obstacle Course if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This could impair your judgement and cause you injury, paralysis, or death.
- Participants should be in good health and able to withstand strenuous activity.
- Operators and Adventure Staff are here to provide guidance and if injury occurs will call for emergency help only. Any physical assistance and medical care must be provided by a trained professional only.
The list above is not all-inclusive and we cannot list all the activities that may lead to injury. Please consult a physician prior to attempting obstacle course or jumping on trampolines regarding all medical conditions. Please do not attempt any maneuvers above your skill level.
Warning: Failing to abide by the rules below and posted at the park may result in serious injury, paralysis, or death.
Guest Conduct Policy
Adventure Air Sports strives to provide an unforgettable experience to all guests. Whether it’s the service provided by our friendly and engaging flight crew, or the fun that comes from our unmatched set of attractions, we want guests of all ages to look back on their experience and start thinking about their next Adventure.
This Guest Conduct Policy is intended to help ensure that all guests are able to participate in a safe and enjoyable manner and sets forth standards of conduct for guests to adhere to during their visit.
Safety and Security
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Prior to beginning your activities, it is required that all guests watch our safety video. Safety signage is posted throughout the park in addition to the safety video on display at the waiver stations, front desk and/or trampoline entrance. Anyone entering onto the jump floor (onto the elevated platform) must have a valid waiver on file. Flight crew are positioned at attractions and have been fully trained to enforce all rules for the safety of our guests. Failure to abide by the parks rules and regulations may result in a warning and possibly dismissal from the attractions area or facility. Guests may not enter or access any area that is restricted and for the use of staff members only. Should anyone become aware of someone being injured, or of unsafe or possibly illegal behavior while at Adventure, they should immediately report this to a member of our staff or management. Firearms and other weapons are not permitted in the building.
Guest and Staff Interaction
Our Flight Crew members are friendly, outgoing and trained to be helpful and to do their very best to make your visit as enjoyable as possible. Flight crew members are prohibited from physically assisting guests in any attempted tricks or stunts performed in the park. Adventure Air Sports prohibits harassment of any kind to any individual by another person on the basis of any protected classification including, but not limited to, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, marital status, veteran status or age.
Inappropriate Language and Behavior
Verbally abusive or offensive language directed toward anyone, including guests, Flight Crew, management, or others is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, racial slurs, derogatory comments, or any offensive language.
Inappropriate or abusive behavior is not permitted. This includes: uninvited physical contact, solicitation, harassment, vandalism, theft, violence, use of fake/false identification, possession of illegal substances/items, or any other illegal or offensive conduct. All venues are non- smoking, including vapes and e-cigarettes. Alcohol consumption is prohibited on site and those suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be denied entry or asked to leave. Possession of illegal substances will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Parental and Guardian Responsibility
A waiver signed by a minor’s legal parent or guardian is required for all minors. This can be signed online ahead of your visit but a valid guardian ID will be checked by our cashiers on the minor’s first visit prior to participating in our activities. Parents and guardians are responsible for the behavior and appropriate supervision of their accompanying minor(s) (anyone under the age of 18) while participating in activities within our parks.
Establishing and articulating a Guest Conduct Policy helps ensure that all guests are able to enjoy a safe and unforgettable experience. Adventure Air Sports appreciates your support of this policy and hopes we can help you create a memory that lasts a lifetime!